Fast for Football, Not Fast Enough for Track


Last October, Seattle Seahawks football star DK Metcalf surprised people by rapidly chasing after another player and stopping him from making a touchdown. At his fastest that day, he was running 22.6 mph (36 kph).

On Sunday, at the USATF Golden Games and Distance Open, Metcalf got a chance to test his speed against professional sprinters.

Metcalf has only been training as a sprinter for a few months, and weighs far more than the other athletes. Still, he managed to defeat two of the other athletes, coming in 15th out of 17 runners.

Metcalf ran the 100 meters in 10.363 seconds. Cravon Gillespie, the winner on Sunday, finished in 9.96 seconds.

Metcalf’s time wasn’t fast enough for the US Olympic team, but many people were impressed with his effort. Metcalf himself was impressed with the other athletes. “This is very different from football speed,” he said.


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